Waukesha-L7042GSI-Natural-Gas-V-12-1623-HP1210-KVA-Power-Unit-Generator-30.jpgDo you want to sell your used or surplus machinery equipment?

Are you planning to sell used machinery equipment online? Lemke Machinery provides sellers the option to sell their equipment and to simplify the process for them. Selling your used equipment online can be profitable, but it requires expertise, market knowledge, and plenty of experience. We recommend contacting Lemke Machinery by using the form below to contact us so we can help you sell your machinery at a profit.

We Do The Selling For You

Because Lemke Machinery already has a solid brand and reputation, it makes it much easier for us to do the selling for you. By providing us information about your item, we can evaluate pricing and profit sharing opportunities that will highly benefit you. Several professionals in the equipment industry provide these machines for sale, which makes it harder for you to succeed as a brand.

We have already done a lot of the market research, compared pricing, and put in many hours of work into promoting our brand across many social channels. We offer a smart and easy way to sell your equipment and maintain a competitive edge in your industry.