Dynaric CP Series Automatic Programmable Strapping Machine System CP-1 & CP-2

Dynaric CP Series Automatic Programmable Strapping Machine System CP-1 & CP-2

$4,000 (USD)

Available quantity:2


Dynaric Automatic Strapping Machine System

CP Series

Model #: CP-1 & CP-2

Sale is for (1) CP-1 Machine and Paired CP-2 Machine

S/N: C1.210 & C2.166

C1.044 & C2.095

Years: 1998, 1994, 2006, and 2001

The CP-1 is the lead machine in the CP series of commercial printing strapping systems

The CP-1 is the lead machine in the CP series of commercial printing strapping systems. The CP-1 is designed to stabilize the bundles of printed matter, especially hard to handle magazines printed on coated paper stock. The CP-1 machine has a close-coupled design that insures smooth transfer of the bundle between the stacker and the strapper. Once in the machine, the bundle is squared from the sides, compressed from the top, strapped and then ejected to be cross-strapped or wrapped. The CP-1 has a quick-change feature that allows the machine to be adjusted to a different publication size in a matter of seconds.

The CP-2 is the second machine in the CP series commercial printing strapping system. It is designed to be used as the cross strap machine in conjunction with the CP-1. The bundle can be oriented for cross strapping by use of a Dynaric bump table or by the use of a 90-degree right angle conveyor transfer. The CP-2 is used in several applications as the first position strapper. Since the CP-2 is equipped with a conveyor belt table top to efficiently discharge the cross bundle from the system it is ideal to marry with stackers that do not push the bundle fully into the strapper.

Features & Benefits

  • High speed - 40 bundles per minute
  • Programmable logic control
  • Automatic strap feeding
  • Digital diagnostic display or trouble shooting
  • Bundle conditioning system - air operated
  • Calibrated bundle guides and stops for quick adjustment
  • Warning light system
  • Swing arm command control panel
  • External tenstion adjustment
  • Hinged conveyor tops and (3) access panels
  • Foam covered clamp for product protection
  • Mechanically actuated, segmented track
  • Removable dispenser - simplifies coil change

CP Series CP-1 and CP-2 (packagingnetwork.com)


ManufacturerDynaric, Inc.
ModelCP Series
Serial NumberC1.004
Stock NumberJ19-5