Russell T. Gillman 50 Taper Spindle on Gillman Dovetail Slide

Russell T. Gillman 50 Taper Spindle on Gillman Dovetail Slide

$5,450 (USD)

Available quantity:2


Russell T. Gillman 50 Taper Spindle on Gillman Dovetail Slide with Micrometer Dial Lead Screw 50 Taper #6500-X90-S50 Spindle mounted to 20" Gillman Dovetail Slide with 14" travel LINCOLN ELECTRIC 20 Hp MOTOR, 230/460 Volt, 3 Ph, 60 Hz @ 55/27.5 Amps RPM:  1,170 Crosslide Overall Dimensions:  32" Long x 12" Wide x 5" Thick w/14" of Travel Overall Spindle Assembly Dimensions: 61" x 26" x 70" Crosslide is mounted to Ground & Stress Relieved Right Angle Plate Assembly is in Good Working Condition All slides have Acme screw manual drives with micrometer dials for positioning. All spindles are set up for frequency drives for variable RPM. You can see more details on the web site


Stock NumberJ19-4